Police arrest Kogi pastor, 2 others for beheading sex hawker for ritual

The Kogi State Police Command has confirmed the arrest of a clergy man identified as Pastor Segun Otaru, of the Celestine Church, Ozuri, Adavi local government area of the state, for allegedly killing a commercial sex worker for ritual.
The Command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP William Aya confirmed the arrest while speaking to DAILY POST on Friday.
The suspect, according to eye witness account, beheaded the victim, cut her body into different sizes and buried her blood and body around his church.
Our correspondent also learnt that the incident occurred on Thursday as the sex hawker, a Benue citizen from a popular hotel, was allegedly murdered by the pastor.
It was further revealed that the pastor was apprehended alongside his alleged accomplice, Mike and Stephen, who claimed to be his boys and church members.
According to a source, “The pastor sends Mike and Stephen to go and bring the sex hawker from the hotel as he promised them N700,000.
“The pastor asked them to go and open an account so that he can pay the money into their account once they bring the girl to him”.
Aya said further investigation also led to the arrest of two others, suspected to be his accomplices, adding that investigation is ongoing.
Earlier, the Divisional Police Officer in Adavi led the LG administrator, Hon. Joseph Omuya Salami, accompanied with some of his political appointees, the media team and the APC campaign chairman in Adavi, Hon. Osundo, to the crime scene.
He said that the suspect beheaded the victim, severed the hand, leg as well as the head and buried the body somewhere closed to his church.
When the administrator and the DPO, as well as his entourage got to the scene at Ozuri community, hundreds of residents of the area trooped out to catch a glimpse of the suspect as he was being led away.
The administrator of Adavi described the act as the highest level of wickedness, stressing that “man killing man” is an abomination.
He noted that ritual killing is non biblical, unacceptable and should be totally condemned, and anyone who indulges in such act must pay the price stipulated by law.
